Ready to Reap the Rewards of Captive Insurance?

Many businesses have already discovered the benefits of the captive insurance model. It enables you to take control of your risks, safeguard your finances against fluctuations in the insurance market, and enjoy the financial benefits of strong risk management and loss control.

These advantages are not exclusive to large corporations. With our captive insurance services, middle-market businesses can also gain the benefits of captive insurance programs. If your company is ready to profit from proactive loss control measures, there’s nothing stopping you from leveraging captive insurance.

Alternative Risk Underwriting (ARU) provides the following products and services to brokers, agents, and middle-market businesses:

Captive Coverage Options

ARU group captives are available to a variety of businesses in the agriculture, manufacturing, service, distribution, wholesale, commercial trucking, and construction industries. Coverage options include:

Workers’ compensation, general liability, and commercial auto
Employee health insurance
Property, umbrella, and other coverage programs

captive insurance for manufacturers

Captive Development

Forming a successful captive program requires experience that many middle-market businesses lack. ARU offers development and design services. Our captive insurance services include:

Development and design of new group captive facilities for homogeneous or heterogeneous insureds
Development and design of alternative captive or risk purchasing groups

Captive Management

Your focus needs to be on running a business, not on managing insurance. ARU provides captive management services to enable you to continue focusing on your business operations, goals, and growth. Services include:

Captive consulting and management of all components of the group captive reinsurance company
Captive underwriting management services
Captive board meeting services
Captive domicile management, investment management, actuarial, and accounting partnerships
Management and placement of fronting insurance carrier and reinsurance

Captive Administration

Just like traditional insurance companies, captive companies need to navigate administration and reporting duties. ARU provides expert captive administration, eliminating the burden for your company. Services include:

Expert loss analysis, rating, and underwriting management servcies
Claims administration oversight and consulting
Loss control/safety services oversight and administration
Financial reporting and shareholder report administration
Insurance policy administration

captive insurance services

Support for Brokers and Insureds

In addition, ARU assists brokers and insureds with a variety of services for captive insurers, including:

New business and renewal support
Training and informational seminars

Captive Insurance FAQ

Q: What is a captive insurer?

A: A captive insurance company is owned by the company or companies it insures. By forming their own captive insurance company instead of purchasing coverage through a traditional insurance company, captive owners gain control over their coverage, which creates a financial incentive to reduce losses.

Q: How does a group captive differ from other captive structures?

A: A group captive is owned by a group of companies and provides insurance coverage for all members of the group. This is different from single-parent captives, which are owned by and provide insurance for a single parent company. Whereas single-parent captives are popular with large corporations (such as Fortune 500 companies), group captives are well suited for middle market businesses.

Q: Is captive insurance the same as self-insurance?

A: Captive insurance is sometimes described as a type of self-insurance. However, our member-owned group captive model is different from conventional self-insurance in many ways. Members are not simply paying for losses out of their own reserves. Rather, they are participating in a member-owned reinsurance company written on A+-rated licensed insurance company paper. The ARU model empowers captive members to profit from controlling their predictable losses while minimizing volatility from large and unpredictable losses.

Q: What is a rent-a-captive?

A: In a rent-a-captive solution, the company rents the facilities of a captive instead of forming a captive itself.

Although forming a captive may be a financially-beneficial solution for loss-conscious companies, it does require some upfront costs and commitment. Rental captives bypass the upfront costs and long-term commitment by allowing the company to enter into a rental agreement with a captive. This allows your company to enjoy some of the benefits of the captive structure in exchange for a fee.

Q: Is my company a good fit for the captive structure?

A: The captive structure is not ideal for all companies.

If your company has a poor loss history and is not proactive about loss control, the captive insurance model may not be a good fit. However, if your company has implemented robust safety practices and has been successful in controlling losses, a captive may be a solid and financially-beneficial option.

Company size also matters. Your company doesn’t need to be a large corporation to leverage group captive insurance. Since member companies pool their resources and risks, it is possible for middle-market companies to leverage captive insurance. However, small companies and those that have minimal insurance requirements may be a poor fit. In general, your company should be paying more than $250,000 in primary casualty insurance premiums and have more than 50 employees before you consider joining a member-owned group captive through ARU.

Q: What is the downside to group captive insurance?

A: In the traditional commercial insurance arrangement, the insured transfers its risk to an insurance company. If the company experiences higher-than-expected losses, the insurance company pays these losses, as per the terms of the policy, which may result in an underwriting loss.

When you become a member in a group captive, you become your own insurer. Instead of transferring your risk, you retain it through the captive insurance program. The ARU group captive model helps minimize volatility, but there is still a risk of higher-than-expected claims. This is why the captive model is best suited for companies that have effective loss control measures in place. Although there is some risk, by controlling their losses, group captive members can benefit from investment and underwriting profits.

Q: Why should my company use ARU captive services?

A: ARU is dedicated to providing member-owned group captive and alternative risk financing solutions to midsize companies. Our team has decades of experience in group captive solutions, during which time we’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. We have a unique and proprietary group captive model to minimize the volatility for the captive members.